Sunday, June 27, 2010

Kebun Baru Market - A Walk down Memory Lane

This market went in blaze on the 3rd mid-night of Chinese New Year in 2003 with the main structure of the market melt down. Advisor of Kebun Baru Division Mr Inderjit Singh was one of the earliest to be at the seen after being informed by the GRL. During the Chinese New Year festival, the priority was to get the market back to biz for the 8th Day of CNY where majority of the Chinese need their market products for their prayers to the Heaven God to receive the 9th day of the Lunar New Year. An Emergency Response Committee was immediately form at the fire site and plan were workout to set up the Emergency Market beside the burnt down market, and a Temporary Market to be set up for about a year at the Car Park next to block 224.

The Kebun Baru CCC went into 1st gear action to take care of all cost concern with token collection from the market stall holders for the setting up of both the Markets with an objective of win-win situation for both the residents and the stall holders; To ensure that the residents were not be to much inconvenience to have their marketing done while waiting for the new market to be rebuilt; and to ensure that the stall holders livelihood were taken care of that their biz income were not to much affected by the fire. To achieve that the Kebun Baru GROs took upon themselves to raise sufficient fund to cover all expenses for both the Emergency Market as well the Temporary market.

A serious of fund raising activities including Walkathon; Basaar; Donation by residents & school & Kindergarten children and Charity Golf Tournament were held. Credit to all the efforts, the market was rebuilt in 6 months.

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